Class Information
Class Tranquility/Ambience/Serenity
T’ai Chi is a quiet, mindful Martial Art. The practice room should be a place where we can all relax and feel calm. From the moment you enter the room, try and leave any tensions behind. Please be mindful that your frustrations of the day may be transferred to other class members if you voice your problems once you arrive. You should soon forget your worries when class starts, as we all clear our minds.
Classes run for one hour. Please try to arrive 10-15 minutes early, so that we can begin the class promptly. Late arrivals are disruptive for everyone, and you would start the class feeling rather less than calm! If you know you will need to arrive late, please let me know in advance, and try to enter as quietly as possible, joining in with as little disruption as possible. But don’t let a delay in arriving mean you miss the class!
Loose clothing is recommended for T’ai Chi, particularly around the waist. This allows for the extension of the abdomen for correct breathing, and also for general comfort during class, as we perform the various stretching moves.
Please wear shoes with light grip. Old style ‘school’ pumps work well, or look on-line for shoes for Tai Chi. These are usually inexpensive. Trainers generally have too much grip, and socks not enough. We perform ‘sliding’ movements in T’ai Chi which make this important.
Please leave all jewellery and watches at home, (except for wedding rings or in-obtrusive items you never take off).
T’ai Chi uses gentle flowing movements, that should be perfectly safe for most of us. If you have any injuries, or medical problems, please ask your doctor if these movements are suitable for you, or if there are any precautions you need to take.
If any of the moves I demonstrate or describe seem like they may not suit you, just don’t do them! It is not a problem.
If you need to sit down at any time, please do so. Some of the exercises can be done on a chair.
Try not to take your stretches to the limit. We don’t want to pull any muscles in T’ai Chi! Aim for about 70% of your limit. You will be surprised how much more flexible you will become with regular practice.
Try to concentrate on your own body and moves, and not try to stretch as far as others in the class who may be more flexible - or younger. Tai Chi is not a competition.
It is recommended not to eat or drink (other than water) for 2 hours before the start of the class. We will be bending and twisting, and this is best accomplished on an empty stomach. Water should preferably be drunk before and after the class, but please do not allow yourself to dehydrate!
It is the Chinese way to have respect for one’s elders and teachers and this tradition is very much part of the martial arts.
At the start of the class, I will initiate a bow with feet together and arms folded, left arm on the outside. Teacher and class bow together. We bow again at the end of the session.
If you arrive after a class has started, bow to the instructor, and wait until the instructor has bowed back before joining the class.
Turn off phones please, or turn them to silent mode. If you have a special reason to leave your phone on, please let me know, and deal with any call you might have to take as quickly as possible, and outside the class.
No filming or photography without the instructors permission. The instructor will always ask permission of the class for any photography.
There is a limit to the number of people who can use the room during each session. Once you have been given a place in a class, please attend as regularly as possible to get the full benefit of your training. If you find it is not for you, please let me know, so that the place can be taken by someone else. If you are unable to attend a class, please let me know if possible, so that the class can start promptly, rather than wait for your arrival. If you miss 3 consecutive classes without notifying me, I will presume you no longer wish to attend.
The charge for the hourly class will be £8.00. Please pay (with the correct change if possible) on arrival at the class, and I will sign you in.
If you would prefer, payment can be made by BACS direct to my account, prior to each class. If you would like to pay this way, please ask me for my bank details.
Health Questionnaire
At the end of your first class I will give you a Health Questionnaire which also asks for your contact details, and a contact number in case of emergency. Please fill this in and bring it with you to the following class. We are required to do this as part of the Risk Assessment and Insurance cover. It also makes me aware of any health issues you may have that might affect what exercises you can safely do.
Health Safety
If you feel at all unwell, please do not attend the class. Not only do we not want you spreading anything contagious, but you will not enjoy the class if you are compromised by feeling ill.
If you have any up to date training in First Aid, please let me know, as this could be useful knowledge in case of any emergency.
Official Documents
If you would like to see any proof of Insurance, Training Certification, or Risk Assessment, please ask. I will usually have them with me in class.
If you have any questions at any time, please ask.
And lastly….